Category Archives: pets


Okay — those that read my blog know that I’m interested in animal rescue. Sure I have a dog and yeah I’ve done a thing or two with a guinea pig rescue, but I kind of figure that anything that is good for the overall welfare of companion animals is a good thing. With that in mind, I was happy to read this posting on the blog Tails Spin (Tails is a free lifestyle magazine that is published in 13 metro areas). 

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more about “PETCO Moves to Adoption-Only for Rabbits“, posted with vodpod


As if there’d be a question …

TV Land and Entertainment Weekly have come out with this list of the 50 Greatest TV Icons. The reason I discovered this was because today I have had 8 people come to my blog by using the search term Lassie. (8 people, one day, Lassie???) I was trying to figure out why 8 people managed to find my little blog by searching for Lassie so I did a google search on Lassie. Pages and pages of pretty much nothing related to my blog on google search — same on yahoo. I can’t figure out how to do a search of wordpress blogs.  Still don’t know what brought them here. 

So then, I did a search on “news” figuring there might be some hot topic about Lassie in the news. I knew that this book was about to be published …


Actually – it was published on Nov. 1.  But I thought maybe if today was the publication date maybe people had taken a sudden interest in Lassie.  But that wasn’t it.  But then I discovered a news news article commenting on the fact that, on the list of 50 greatest TV icons, Simon Cowell was beaten by Lassie, with Simon Cowell coming in at 47 and Lassie coming in at 46. Nobody seems to care least of all me that Simon Cowell was also beaten by 45 others, in addition to Lassie, including Kermit the Frog and Homer Simpson.  (Note — Lassie is the only “live” “non human”, Kermit is the only “stuffed” “non human” and Homer is the only cartoon character)

Now, I regularly walk around town with Fuzzybutt.  And when people (of a certain age) look at him you can see it in their eyes, they know that Timmy will be rescued from the well and life will return to happy, wholesome, and normal (albeit black and white).  Lassie brings a certain warm sense of “mom and apple pie.”

Simon Cowell, not so much

I’m just sayin’

Do Over Day

I guess it has to happen to every parent sooner or later.  Your charge gets into something that he or she should not have, and you need to extract it so need to get the stomach pumped.  If I was thinking about it, I would have thought the stage had passed, what with Chip being 11 and Princess being 6.  However, eight ate.  My eight year old got into something he shouldn’t have, and needed to go to the vet to have the contents of his stomach emptied.  He did NOT get into socks, underwear, pantyhose, rocks, balls, chew toys, corn cobs, bones, hair ties/ribbons, or sticks (or homework).  But we were concerned that the bread dough might actually rise in his stomach, thus causing a necessity for surgery. 

But, after he had some medicine to force vomiting, we did find the final answer to the question “what happened to all the bread dough that was on the table?”

Meanwhile, I’m now about 2 hours late to get to Crem’s house because he needed a backup for his dog walker.  But there’s a reason Crem has a commercial carpet cleaner.  So then I take his dog and foster dog out for a walk, and his foster dog manages to find the bone that’s in the middle of the street.  NOW, if fuzzybutt (my collie, still at the vet), or fuzzforbrains (Crem’s dog) got something in their mouth I’d have no trouble getting it out.  However, fosterhusky is a husky with food issues.  Or, as Crem asked me, “do you like your fingers?”  I’m thinking I’m kind of used to them.  I’ll never make it through NaBloPoMo without them.  So for the entire walk fosterhusky worked on the bone, about halfway through the walk I had an idea so wanted to get back to my car.  Good thing that I didn’t manage to clean out my car.  This weekend there was a bake sale at church, and I bought some sugar cookies.  fosterhusky was really attached to that bone, but the idea of her foster brother having the cookie was too tempting, so she came after a cookie, and since she was still on the leash I was able to get her away from the bone.  Those cookies also came in handy because, what with the vet and running behind and everything, well, that was my lunch, at least the cookies I didn’t bribe the dogs with. 

And then I was looking for someplace to put the bone where no dog could get it.  I was looking around and noticed crem’s car window open just a bit.  So I tossed it on the driver’s seat (figuring he’d find it there, but if I attempted to get it in another part of the car one of the dogs might find it first.). 

 So, today I managed to try to kill two dogs, poke my best friend in the butt, and meanwhile I “abandoned” my children (okay the neighbor was home and Princess went over for popcorn) by not being here when they got home from school.

I’m thinking if I was to live in a society where you needed to have a license in order to have a child or pet, they probably wouldn’t even allow me to have a FAKE houseplant. 

I’m thinking it’s a “do over day,” or an Alexander Day, or something, I’m just sayin.

Not such a surprise, really. (editted)

After 20 long years (changed — I had this at 21 but I did the math wrong)  (I think that must relate to something like 150 in human years), my Isis has cross the rainbow bridge.

Now, for those of you that are as old as I am (like as old as dirt and you might have been around back when the earth was cooling) you might remember Star Trek — not Star Trek TNG or Star Trek whatever — but Star Trek back when it was just plain Star Trek and didn’t need anything added on because, back in the day, there was only one Star Trek. There was an episode in which there was a guy named Gary Seven who had a “cat” called Isis. Once, while I was watching that episode I decided that if I ever had a female black cat, I’d call her Isis.

YEARS later, I got a call from my friend Mamasara seems her neighbors (who had too many pets as it was) somehow managed to capture a recently born, and abandoned kitten. Quite a cute cat, black except for a white star on her neck. Sort of like she was wearing a necklace. For whatever reason Mamasara couldn’t take her (HEY — it was 21 years ago I don’t recall all the details). At the time I had had some major life changes, and was thinking of getting a second cat.

So, in addition to Meriadoc I ended up with Isis. Now, if you were to ever ask either of the gals, I was only a one cat human (they both lived with me — but they never were really “buddies” they coexisted but each thought that she“owned” me). Meriadoc was my “slut” kitty — she was friends with everyone and if I had guests stay over I’d never see her because she’d be sleeping with (and drooling on) the guests. But Isis pretty much hid from anyone that wasn’t me. In her youth she was a great provider, often bringing me a meal as I couldn’t catch my own. Of course, she wanted to teach me to kill, so she would often bring in LIVE meals. I remember when I had a cat passageway I’d get quite a few live birds (I recall that I didn’t have the cat passageway for all that long now that I think about it).  How else was I going to learn to provide for myself if I didn’t have practice killing my own food??  What she was a cat, she’d never been to the grocery store.

8 years ago, when we moved here, she became an “indoor” only cat. And a few years ago she became an “upstairs” only cat, and for about the past 6 months she’s been basically living in the master bedroom closet. For the past two days she’s been wandering around meowing loudly (she used to always meow loudly but then has been quite quiet for the past year or so) and wandering into Chip’s bedroom. I was thinking that it might be time to take her to the vet, but, now I guess I don’t have to.

And when my time comes, and I get to the rainbow bridge, she’ll be waiting there for me. And Meriadoc will be waiting for me. But they will NOT be waiting together.

(And since she’s really been living in hiding for the past few years, I don’t even have a digital image of her)  Anyway, Garrison Keillor had a CD called Songs of the Cat.  One of the songs was called Out In the Catskill Mountains and to me, it’s what I think of when I think of “kitty heaven”

On an afternoon in the month of June
a wistful cat sat sighing
For her owners were not good to her,
a cousin of the lion.
On her plate was glued some dried up food
she cared not to examine
and as she wept she sat and dreamt
of the land of milk & salmon

Oh there’s fresh catfish in a china dish
and the cream flows from a fountain
On the high plateau where the catnip grows
out in the catskill mountains

Out in the catskill mountains
the land of the big feedtrough
the couches are all comfortable and
no one kicks you off
the dogs are taught to
honor cats and beautiful and holy
and the birds are found right on the ground
and the mice run very slowly

Oh there’s fresh catfish in a china dish
and the cream flows from a fountain
On the high plateau where the catnip grows
out in the catskill mountains

Out in the catskill mountains
fresh tuna just appears
and people beg you for the chance
to scratch behind your ears
A cat can lie flat on its back and never be ambitious
and the grass is sweet beneath your feet
and the houseplants are delicious

Oh there’s fresh catfish in a china dish
and the cream flows from a fountain
On the high plateau where the catnip grows
out in the catskill mountains
out in the catskill mountains
out in the catskill mountains

Here’s a picture of Isis — not MY Isis, but Gary Seven’s Isis.

Protected: Well – that settles it – my entire family is nuts.

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For all you do

Today (and after thinking about sweet hitch-a-hiker) I’m grateful for

All the people that do animal rescue. There are tons of them in all sorts of cities and towns. Crem’s neighbor fosters dogs for Rover Rescue Rover Rescue, my dear friend Rose who runs The Critter Corral a guinea pig rescue, and all the others that give their time, talents, and energies to those that have no voices.

I’m sure most of you are familiar with The Rainbow Bridge. It’s the place where animals that have died go and hang out and wait for their owners, so they can cross together into heaven. Somwhere along the way I ran across this interesting twist on the tale …

The young pup and the older dog lay on shaded sweet grass watching the reunions. Sometimes a man, sometimes a woman, sometimes a whole family would approach The Rainbow Bridge, be greeted by their loving pets, and cross the Bridge together.The young pup playfully nipped at the older one. “Look! Something wonderful is happening!” The older dog stood up and barked, “Quickly! Get over to the path!””But that’s not my owner,” whined the pup, but he did as he was told. Thousands of pets surged forward as a figure in white walked on the path toward the Bridge. As the glowing figure passed each animal, that animal bowed its head in love and respect. The figure finally approached the Bridge and was met by a menagerie of joyous animals. Together, they all walked over the Bridge and disappeared. The young pup was still in awe. “Was that an angel?” He whispered. “No son,” the older dog replied, “that was more than an angel… That was a person who worked rescue.”

When I think about the Rainbow Bridge, at least from the perspective of a cat, I think about a song by Garrison Keillor. I can’t find the lyrics online (amazing) so let’s see what I can remember

On an afternoon in the month of June
a wistful cat sat sighing
For her owners were not good to her,
a cousin of the lion.
On her plate was glued some dried up food
she cared not to examine
and as she wept she sat and dreamt
of the land of milk & salmon

Oh there’s fresh catfish in a china dish
and the cream flows from a fountain
On the high plateau where the catnip grows
out in the catskill mountains

Out in the catskill mountains
fresh tuna just appears
and people beg you for the chance
to scratch behind your ears
A cat can lie flat on its back and never be ambitious
and the grass is sweet beneath your feet
and the houseplants are delicious

Out in the catskill mountains
the land of the big feedtrough
the couches are all comfortable and
no one kicks you off
the dogs are taught to
honor cats and beautiful and holy
and the birds are found right on the ground
and the mice run very slowly

(Hmmm I guess this can go under gratitude — but also dreams because that to me sounds like what a cat would dream of)