It’s cheaper than therapy.

Some of you might recognize that title, which I stole (or “lovingly lifted” from The Testosterone Zone), it’s why some of us spend hundreds (or more) dollars to go spend time every year with friends that (a) we met on the Internet and (b) we only see once a year. But I love all these women and love to spend time with them.

This year’s attendees were (roughly in order of appearance in Seattle) ….

  1. Zenmamma
  2. Searchingmamma (She’s having fun now)
  3. Organizingmamma (She pulled most of it together)
  4. Tpgoddess
  5. Squib
  6. Zonemom
  7. CTmom
  8. Photomom
  9. Adventure Mom (the world traveler)
  10. LSM (from somewhere in the suburbs)
  11. Knittingmom
  12. Doc Thelma (private blog) and last (but never least — but none are least)
  13. Ramblingmom (I don’t really need to link to my own blog?? Do I??)

This was my first time meeting Searchingmamma, Organizingmamma, and Doc Thelma, I’ve met all the others in person multiple times.

I may write up a trip summary. The food was lovely, and it was fabulous to be in a town where you could find a different, independent, coffee shop every few steps.

But while I really loved the food and the city and the tour we took and such, it was great to see these other women, I love each and every one of them. I could tell you about the wonderful sites we saw, or the fabulous food we ate, or the enjoyable drinks we had (yes, ramblingmom did have a Guinness – what you had to ask??) but the most important thing to me about this trip is the lovely ladies of the list. So I’ll tell you a little about each of them. Later, as time and energy permits, I may post about sites or food or photos, but for now …

  1. Zenmamma was one of the first of the August moms I ever met. We were traveling to Hawaii from Chicago, through Seattle, when we stopped to meet with her and her lovely daughter at the Seattle Children’s museum. She’s the type of person that has an inward gentle nature. It shows through and I wish we could have spent more time with her than just one meal.
  2. Searchingmamma is in a interesting place, and it’s fun to spend time with her and hear about her wonderful dance experiences. I wish her well.
  3. Organizingmamma has three kids with three completely different needs and schedules. Yet she found time to do the majority of the “organizing” for this trip (though, really, we are a group with pretty simple needs) and she managed to get away to spend time with us. I appreciate that gift (and hope to see her travel in the coming years). I don’t know how she balances her family’s needs, but I admire her for that.
  4. Tpgoddess Been there, done that. For all her wearing (in the past) her famous “it’s all about me” PJs, it’s really not all about her. She is one of the most “fair and balanced” people that I know. Sure when it comes to politics she has a very strong opinion, but when it comes to everyday peoples, she can see every side of most arguments.
  5. Squib I would hate to cross this mamma lion if it came to her kids. She’s generous (but not to a fault) with her time and talents, and I’d love to have a beer with her spouse anytime, as he has great tase in beer.
  6. Zonemom She has got an incredible memory for details about people. Sort of the verbal historian of the group. (Not to mention that if you ever need someone to pick out a bottle of wine …)
  7. CTmom Is incredibly bright and intelligent and sophisticated. She excels at setting boundaries (especially where her job is concerned) but she excels when it comes to shopping for her boys. She can ferret out unique things for each of her individual boys.
  8. Photomom She’s the unofficial (or quite possibly by now the official) photographer for each reunion. She has got a fabulous eye for things, and I always always always love seeing her photos.
  9. Adventure Mom is the person you call if you want to know how to pack for a month and 1/2 in the middle of nowhere using carry on only. She and her family take fabulous vacations every years, and she has given her children a wonderful gift of the world, and the people in it.
  10. LSM is very knowledgable about education. If you want to know details about how various educational programs work, she’s the lady to talk to. She’s also pretty darn good with recipes and has shared many wonderful dishes (and some of us got quite the detailed Chicken Pot Pie class – which was great). She’s from Texas, and is a lady that shows Southern Grace.
  11. Knittingmom will help ferret out those little specialty yarn shops (which Ramblingmom likes — even if Ramblingmom has too much yarn anyway). And she will make sure to keep Ramblingmom company when it’s time for Ramblingmom to have a Guinness. Now THAT is a TRUE friend.
  12. Doc Thelma was at her first reunion, and she was saddled (or gifted) with me for a roommate. She fell into the ebb and flow of our group seamlessly and (I believe) she had a wonderful time. She (like a few of the other ladies) is absolutely brilliant — but she’s also generous with her time (she’s a girl scout leader and teaches Sunday School), adventurous (she’s planning a winter break trip to go dog sledding — how cool is that), and she comes through for her roommie in an emergency.

3 responses to “It’s cheaper than therapy.

  1. Sounds like a fabulous trip!

    I’d love to hear the history of the “August Moms”. How did you all meet, and what is the significance of August?

  2. You were a wonderful roomie! Great fun with everyone and especially happy to meet you!

  3. Sounds like you all had a wonderful time. (I’m so jealous!)

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